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Additional Resources

Building the East Bay Green Economy: Critical Steps for Supporting and Engaging East Bay Green Businesses, By Elizabeth Redman.
This report summarizes the results of five roundtable discussions held with representatives from East Bay green businesses. It identifies the primary challenges and opportunities confronting regional green companies and makes recommendations for further integrating the private sector in the development of workforce training programs, policies, and other regional efforts to make the East Bay a center of innovation for the green technology industry. Read the full report.

California Workforce Education and Training Needs Assessment for Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation, and Demand Response, By the Donald Vial Center on Employment in the Green Economy, UC Labor Center.
With the input of the utilities and other relevant stakeholders, the California Public Utilities Commission adopted a vision for workforce education and training: "By 2020, California?s workforce is trained and fully engaged to provide the human capital necessary to achieve California?s economic energy efficiency and demand site management potential." This Plan lays out two goals to achieve this vision. First, establish energy efficiency education and training at all levels of California?s educational systems. Second, ensure that minority, low income and disadvantaged communities fully participate in training and education programs at all levels of the energy efficiency and demand side management industries. Read the full report.

Many Shades of Green: Diversity and Distribution of California's Green Jobs, By Next 10
Many Shades of Green provides the most comprehensive green jobs accounting to date, systematically tracking the most recent available data on green companies, job type, location and growth across every sector and region of California. Read the full report.

Please click here for additional detail on grants secured by the Corridor and its partners in support of Green Jobs.


  • Nathan Cummings Foundation
  • Charles Mott Foundation


? 2010 East Bay Green Corridor. All rights reserved.

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