photo by Roib?n ? h?ochaidh

Workforce & Education Policy

Four main components of the Green Corridor workforce development strategy

1.? Match Qualified Employee Applicants with Green Energy and Technology Businesses in the Corridor:

  • Coordinate the identification of high growth green technology and energy oriented businesses;
  • Convene green business leaders throughout the region that offer entry and mid-level employment that pay living wages; and,
  • Identify the basic skills, job readiness, and educational levels necessary to meet the employment demands.
  • Coordinate among the workforce development and training programs to prepare and link potential employees with real jobs.

2.? Bridge Educational and Training Systems: The Green Corridor will bring together education and training institutions to identify existing programs that offer degrees or certificates in fields that prepare people for green energy and technology careers.?The Green Corridor will convene:

  • Peralta and Contra Costa Community College Systems
  • UC Berkeley
  • California State University East Bay
  • Adult Schools
  • High Schools
  • Trades/training programs
  • Workforce Investment Boards (WIB)?

3.? Interactive Website for Employers & Potential Employees: The Partnership will work with the public and private sector to develop an interactive website that is accessible to employers and potential employees.?The website will link with local initiatives, existing resources, regional and national resources, etc.

4.? Fund Development for Developing Pilots and Institutionalizing Workforce Development for Green Jobs: ?The Partnership will coordinate fund development efforts to expand the capacity of the current workforce development and education initiatives to meet today?s job market in the high growth green energy and technology industries. Specifically, the Partnership will apply for funding from the local, state and federal government, corporations and their foundations, and philanthropic foundations.?The Partnership will also work to leverage existing public and private funds currently allocated to workforce development and education.

? 2010 East Bay Green Corridor. All rights reserved.

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